Parsons attempts to look cool by “jumping” a bike over multiple buses and dancing, holding up a sign reading “NOT A NERD.” Awful. Frink helpfully shows a video hosted by “TV’s most beloved scientist” Jim Parsons, as he explains how the process works, combined with Schoolhouse Rock-esque animation to a parody of Frank Sinatra’s “That’s Life.” It feels like way too much information you don’t need to follow the simple plot, and of course none of it is funny. But a quick info dump feels necessary for a show covering a topic like this. – Now, I’m a big dumb dummy, but I feel like I know the basic gist of what cryptocurrency is and how it works. Rewriting season 31 Simpsons scripts? What a thankless job that would be. Like, there’s a way this could have been rewritten that it maybe… maybe could have worked with all the same plot beats, but I dunno. Episodes highlighting Springfield’s less-covered citizens usually get ruined by the Simpson family shoving them out of the way and hogs the spotlight, but here, the episode is all about Frink, yet he barely seems to be in control at all. Burns maneuver Frink through the plot, pulling information out of him or summarizing the current situation and what he’s feeling on their own.

That’s the whole episode, characters like Lisa, Homer and Mr. The equation is finally solved by Frink himself, wanting to rid himself of his fortune, but his reasons for doing so are all explained by Lisa. Burns tries to sew discord by telling Frink his new friends only hang out with him for his wealth, Frink replies, “Those guys are my best buddies! Fatso and Drunkie and the evil bartender!” And yeah, the others are quickly revealed to be moochers, but then we’re still supposed to care about Frink being sad and betrayed after the show expressly tells us he doesn’t care enough to remember their names? The ending revolves around a ridiculous conceit of Burns discovering an equation that will render all cryptocurrency worthless, and he leaves the dry erase board of it in the town square to wait for someone to solve it. The point isn’t even that he’s enjoying being social despite the company he’s keeping, it all feels completely meaningless. But Frink has no connection to these idiots. Surmising companionship might raise his spirits, Homer is corralled into bringing Frink to Moe’s, leading to the barflies and other schlubs like Kirk and Gil to become Frink’s little posee. Lisa urges him to indulge in the creature comforts he’d always dreamed of as a poorer man, but he’s still sad after that.

The main “emotional” thrust of the story is that money does not bring Frink happiness. I know I’ve talked about the trope of Simpson-becomes-instant-success, but this is a new one: a character becoming a billionaire out of nowhere by the six minute mark. But we do know what show we’re talking about, don’t we? Frink tells Lisa he’s developing his Frinkcoin, then we cut to Kent Brockman reporting on what looks like a press conference of Frink announcing the cryptocurrency… but I guess it’s not that, because Brockman then talks about how Frink’s a billionaire now. An entire Frink episode could actually be something worthwhile, if it actually had something to say. The reaction: Yet another episode that seemingly acts to shine a light on a secondary character, but reveals absolutely nothing new about them and barely even feels interested in doing so.

Burns seeks to overtake Frink’s wealth, while Frink tries to determine if his newfound friends aren’t just there to mooch off his fortune. Aghast that he is no longer Springfield’s richest man, Mr. The premise: Professor Frink enters the cryptocurrency space with “Frinkcoin,” making him a billionaire overnight.